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Friday, Of August The 5 Of 2005

Search of the box of the drug all the smoke, no fire


In its search for the test that exists Bigfoot, the investigators ought to take samples from the hair of Washington, C.C., offices of the head Karen Tandy of the administration of the application of the drug.

Tandy has left giant tracks in the processing of the drug of Vancouver, B.C., the industralist of pote the order by mail, and of the founder of B.C. Party Marijuana, emery of orujo.

With a little advisable declaration politicizing the case that also spelled the name of the bad emery, the DEA head can help to transform to a finder of the publicity into martyr Canadian.

Trying to stop its extradition to the United States -- where he makes loads in front of deal in seeds of the marijuana -- the legal equipment of the emery could use the words of Tandy to say effect: They are processing to its client for its belief.

The office of the lawyer of the United States in Seattle brought to loads against the emery the last week, cradle in investigating work by the local office of DEA.

Feds alleges that the emery peddled their south of the merchandise of the border. A well-known, in the business every greater time here, joked yesterday that it received "warning, efficient, cortesano service" recently whereas it bought seeds in the warehouse of Vancouver of the emery. It declined a request of muestrear the product courteously that was.

But the emery extraditing, with Canadian cuts and possible the ministry of justice, will be sensible.

Nor it is the conviction in of given Seattle. The city voted in 2003 to at heart put the possession of pote of the priorities of the application of law.

The authorities in this Washington astutely adopted Apenas-$$$-Hechos approach, giving returned to the box of the emery in a bombast-free zone.

"the center of this case is in drug traffic of the emery of orujo. It is not on his political activities, nor their campaigns for the office. Nor it is was centered in his compartment, "junior counsel this Todd Greenberg of the United States.

Consider bluster that it puts in resistance of the declaration of Tandy of the Department of the Interior of DEA in other Washington.

the "halting of today of the emery (sic) of Scott of the mark, publisher of Hemps cultivates the compartment and the founder of a group of the legalization of the marijuana, is a significant blowing not only to the commerce that deals of the marijuana in the United States and Canada, but also to the movement of the legalization of the marijuana."

Why? Tandy gives a practical dose us of insinuacíon.

the "hundreds of thousands of dollars of the illicit benefits of the emery are known to be channeled to the groups of the legalization of the marijuana active in the United States and Canada. The lobbyists of the legalization of the drug now have one less pote of money to trust ignition."

As TV of the old Wendy the point requested, where it is the cow meat?

Tandy does not mention any evidence of support. Any person who has testified Seattle Hempfest -- the marijuana-related festival greater of the nation -- is probable to scoff.

the "emery of orujo never has given a penny to Seattle Hempfest or sensible Seattle (patrocinador of an initiative 2003)," said Dominic Holden, organizer of long term of Hempfest.

"if he did it, the American lawyers we could drive the new cars and to live in pleasant homes like the activists in Canada," he added.

The declaration of Tandy will send the nationalist-of-$$$-North for above in smoke.

"the great complaint looks like here to be the notion that knuckling underneath to the application of American law," said Rafe Mair, lawyer and the one of radio more known Vancouver speak-demonstrates the host.

Canada is moving towards the possession decriminalizing of the marijuana. Still it has in the books that a law against the sale of pote sowing, but the police has not persecuted the seed of the emery that sold by the catalogue or outside its warehouse of Vancouver.

The heavy hand is nothing new. The main policy Juan the Walters of the drug of the United States visited Vancouver in 2002. He noticed to mayor Philip Owen who to cross the border would obtain more resistant if the city adopted a policy of the drug based on tolerance and the treatment.

"it was the most unsatisfactory meeting of my life," Owen this. "the pressure was intense."

To present mayor Larry Campbell de Vancouver it was successful to Owen. Poli previous of the squadron of coroner and the drug, Campbell wishes to legalize -- and to burden -- the marijuana.

"czars of the drug ill-informed of the government is people more... Still they are living in an era of ' madness on chaquetón, ' "Campbell said in a recent interview, referring to the film much-much-lampooned of years 30. They named this week to the Canadian Senate.

Vancouver has adopted an approach of "four pillars" to the use of the drug: Treatment, reduction of the damage, prevention and application.

On the contrary, Karen Tandy is a intransigente of the department of the justice that, in the words of Sen. Dianne Feinstein of California, "does not look like favorable to listen."

She is a federal plaintiff of the race that has gone after salesmen of Bong the order by implied mail and in frustrating the voter-approved medical program of the marijuana of California.

The file of the DEA head is marked by accusations of the excessive prosecutorial fanaticism, according to an investigation 2003 by the compartment of the nation.

It hoped once up to three days before test to overturn 60,000 pages of documents to the defense lawyers.

In the present case, it is giving to emery one more a greater stage to prop up her matter.

"it would look like, of his declarations, this processing is on political efforts of Mr. Emery's to legalize the marijuana as it is on his business," as much Murray Mollard said, director of the union of the civil liberties of B.C..

And that is exactly what they must avoid the plaintiffs of the United States if they wish the emery, rather that his case, to go to the south.

The columnista Joel Connelly of pi can be reached in 206-448-8160 or

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