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Interactions Of the Drug: What You Must Know

Interactions Of the Drug

There are more opportunities today than always before learning on his health and to take a better care. It is also more important that always to know on the medicines that you take. If you take several diverse medicines, she sees more of a doctor, or has certain conditions of the health, you and their necessity of the doctors to be found out all the medicines that you take. Doing so will help him to avoid potential problems such as interactions of the drug.

The interactions of the drug can make their drug less effective, they cause unexpected indirect effect, or they increase the action of a particular drug. Some interactions of the drug can even be to him harmful. The reading of the label whenever you use a drug nonprescription or of the prescription and to take the time to learn on interactions of the drug can be critical to its health. You can reduce the risk of the potentially harmful interactions of the drug and the indirect effect with a little the knowledge and the common sense. The interactions of the drug lower in three ample categories:

  • the interactions of the Drug-drug happen when two or more drugs react with one a. This interaction of the drug-drug can make him experience unexpected an indirect effect. For example, mixing a drug you take to help him to sleep (a sedative) and a drug that you take for the allergies (an antihistamine one) can slow down your reactions and make drive a car or the operation of the dangerous machinery.

  • The interactions of Drug-food/beverage are from the drugs that react with foods or drinks. For example, the alcohol that is mixed with some drugs can cause to the tired sensation or slow down its reactions.

  • the interactions of the Drug-condition can happen when an existing medical condition makes certain drugs potentially harmful. For example, if you have arterial tension high you you could experience an undesired reaction if you take decongestant nasal.

again to cover

Interactions of the drug and medicines of Sobre-$$$-Contador

The labels to over-the-counter of the drug (OTC) contain the information on the ingredients, the applications, the warnings and the directions that is important to read and to understand. The label also includes the important information on possible interactions of the drug. In addition, the labels of the drug can change whereas the new information is known. That one is porqué is specially important to read the label that you use every time a drug.

  • The sectionsof the "activeingredients " andthe "intention " enumerate:
    • the name and the amount of each active ingredient
    • the intention of each active ingredient
  • "it uses" the section of the label:
    • it says to him for which the drug is used
    • the aids you find the best drug for your specific symptoms
  • The sectionof the "warnings " of the label provides the interaction of the important drug and the information of the precaution for example:
    • when to speak with a doctor or a phamacist before use
    • the medical conditions that can make less effective or nonsafe the drug
    • under what circumstances do not have to be used the drug
    • when to stop taking from the drug
  • The sectionof the "directions " of the label says to him:
    • the length of the time and the amount of the product that you can use surely
    • cualquieres special trainings in how using the product
  • The sectionof the "otherinformation " of the label says to him:
    • information required on certain ingredients, such as content of sodium, for people with dietetic restrictions or allergies
  • The sectionof the "inactiveingredients " of the label says to him:
    • the name of each inactive ingredient (as colorantes, folders, etc.)
  • The "Questions?"or"questions or commentaries?"section of the label (if it is including):
    • it provides telephone numbers of a source to the questions of the answer on the product

again to cover

To learn More On Interactions Of the Drug

His doctor or phamacist speaks with on the drugs that you take. When his doctor prescribes a new drug, he discusses all the dietetic drugs of OTC and the prescription, supplements, vitamins, botanicals, minerals and herbals that you take, as well as the foods you eat. Ask his phamacist the filling of the package for each drug of the prescription that you take. The filling of the package provides more information on potential interactions of the drug.

Before taking a drug, it asks his doctor or phamacist the following questions:

  • I can take it with other drugs?
  • I must avoid certain foods, the drinks or other products?
  • Which are possible samples of the interaction of the drug that I must know around?
  • How the drug will work in my body?
  • There is more information available on the drug or my condition (in the Internet or inside 
  • health and medical Literature)?

Know to take drugs and person in charge surely. Remember, the label of the drug will say to him:

  • why the drug is used
  • how to take the drug
  • how to reduce the risk of the interactions of the drug and the undesired indirect effect

If you still have you ask after reading the label of the drug product, she asks his doctor or phamacist more information.

Remember that diverse drugs of OTC can contain the same active ingredient. If you are taking more than a OTC drug, she pays the attention to the active ingredients used in products to avoid to take too much from a particular ingredient. In certain circumstances — for example if you are embarrassed or the breast-feeding — of you you must speak with its doctor before you take any medicine. Also, one makes sure of you to know what ingredients are contained in the medicines that you take. Doing so will help him to avoid possible allergic reactions.

again to cover

Examples of the warnings of the interaction of the drug

The following ones are examples of the warnings of the interaction of the drug that you can see in certain OTC drug products. These examples do not include all the warnings for the mentioned types of products and they do not have to take the place to read the real label of the product.

Category Information Of the Interaction Of the Drug
Acid Reducers
Antagonists Of The H2 Receiver
(drugs that prevents or releases heartburn associate to acid indigestión and the bitter stomach)
The products that contain cimetidine, ask a doctor or phamacist before use if you are:
  • to take theophylline (oral drug of the asthma), warfarin (drug which it rarefies of the blood), or phenytoin (drug of the grasping)
(drugs for the relevación of the acid indigestión, heartburn, and/or the bitter stomach)
A doctor asks or phamacist before use if you are:
  • allergic to milk or milky products if the product contains more than 5 grams of lactose in a daily dose of the maximum
  • to take a drug from the prescription

Ask doctor before use if you have:

  • disease of the kidney
(drugs for the prevention or the treatment of nausea, to vomit, or of vertigos associated to movement disease)
A doctor asks or phamacist before use if you are:
  • to take the sedatives or tranquilizers

Ask doctor before use if you have:

  • a breathing problem, as enfisema or chronic bronchitis
  • glaucoma
  • difficulty in urination due to an enlarged gland of the prostate

When using this product:

  • avoid the spirits
(drugs that releases the moquea nose that or reduces temporarily I sneeze, itching of the nose or the throat, and the watery eyes itchy due to the fever of the hay or to other superior respiratory problems)
A doctor asks or phamacist before use if you are taking:
  • sedatives or tranquilizers
  • a drug of the prescription for the arterial tension or the high depression

Ask doctor before use if you have:

  • glaucoma or difficulty in urination due to an enlarged gland of the prostate
  • breathing problems, such as enfisema, chronic bronchitis, or asthma

When using this product:

  • the alcohol, the sedatives, and the tranquilizers can increase somnolencia
  • avoid the spirits
Medicine Of the Cough
(the drugs that temporarily reduces the cough due to the throat of smaller importance and to the bronchial irritation as they can happen with a cold)
A doctor asks or phamacist before use if you are:
  • to take the sedatives or tranquilizers

Ask doctor before use if you have:

  • glaucoma or difficulty in urination due to an enlarged gland of the prostate
(drugs for the temporary relevación of shortness of the breathing, the tenseness of the chest and wheezing due to the bronchial asthma)
Ask doctor before use if you:
  • have the cardiac disease, high the arterial tension, the disease of thyroid, the diabetes, or difficulty in urination due to an enlarged gland of the prostate
  • they have been hospitalized for the asthma or they are always taking a drug from the prescription for the asthma
(drugs for the temporary relevación of the constipation)
Ask doctor before use if you have:
  • the disease of the kidney and the laxative contain phosphates, potassium, or magnesium
  • pain, nausea, or vomiting of the stomach
Nasal Decongestants
(drugs for the temporary relevación of the nasal congestión due to a cold, to fever of the hay, or other superior respiratory allergies)
Ask doctor before use if you:
  • have the cardiac disease, high the arterial tension, the disease of thyroid, the diabetes, or difficulty in urination due to an enlarged gland of the prostate
Products Available Of the Nicotine
(drugs which they reduce the symptoms of the retirement associated to stop to smoke, including the nicotine that it yearns for)
Ask doctor before use if you:
  • make high the tension arterial not control by the medication
  • have cardiac disease or have had an attack of the recent heart or a beat of the irregular heart, since the nicotine can increase its heart rate

A doctor asks or phamacist before use if you are:

  • to take a drug from the prescription for the depression or the asthma (their dose can need to be fit)
  • to use one drug that smokes of the shutdown of the not-nicotine of the prescription

It does not use:

  • if you continue smoking, to chew the tobacco, uses I shaved, or uses other products nicotine-that contain
Aids Of Sueño At night
(drugs for the relevación of the occasional insomnia)
A doctor asks or phamacist before use if you are:
  • to take the sedatives or tranquilizers

Ask doctor before use if you have:

  • a breathing problem as enfisema or chronic bronchitis
  • glaucoma
  • difficulty in urination due to an enlarged gland of the prostate

When using this product:

  • avoid the spirits
Hurt To Mitigadores
(drugs for the temporary relevación of the pains, the pains, and the headaches smaller importance of the body)
Ask doctor before taking if you:
  • consume three drinks or more alcohol-containing per day

(the following ingredients are in diverse mitigadores of the pain OTC: they acetaminophen, aspirin, they ibuprofen, they ketoprofen, salicylate of magnesium, and naproxen. It is important to read the label of products of the mitigador of the pain to learn on diverse warnings of the interaction of the drug for each ingredient.)

(drugs that helps to recover monitoring or wakefulness mental during fatigue or drowsines)
When using this product:
  • limit the use of foods, drinks, and other drugs that have caffein. Too much caffein can cause nervousness, irritability, insomnia, and occasional fast blow of the heart
  • be found out that the recommended dose of this product contains on as much caffein as a coffee cup
Topical Acne
(drugs for the treatment of the acne)
When using this product:
  • the dryness or the increasing irritation of the skin can happen immediately after use of this product or if you are using other topical drugs of the acne in the same time. If it happens this, only one drug must be used unless it is directed by his doctor

This information is brought him by the advice on health of the family in the cooperation with the national league of the consumers and the administration of the food and the drug of the United States.

In order to request a copy of this librete, it writes:

Center De Federal Informacio'n Of The Consumer
Article # 600G
Town, Co 81009

For the amounts in bulk, contact:

Advice on health of the family
1150 Avenue De Connecticut, N.W., Room 1200-B
Washington, Dc 20036

Education Of The Consumer: To assure the safe use  the medicine

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Created date: Of 2003 march the 03; Of Updated February The 01 Of 2006

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