Info about Drug abuse.

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Abuse De Inhalant: He is Mortal

Chasque to discover here if his boy is in-risk, exhibiting same-destructive behaviors one, and necessities his aid and intervention.

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Australian information of the drug of information of ~ Australian of the comprehensive international network and of the alcohol and the drug.


Canadian center in the information and the advice of ~ of the abuse of the substance of the national agency of the attachments of Canada.


Céntrese for ~ TO STOP of the investigation of the abuse of the substance in the university of Maryland, park of the university, provides the comprehensive information in the abuse of the substance for  the individuals, the families, and the communities.


Joint together the national resource of ~ in line for the communities that work to reduce to abuse of the substance and violence of weapon.


The American families pacific national Asians against ~ of the abuse of the substance deal with the applications the abuse of the substance the American populations and pacific Asians of the islander (AAPI).


National association for the Christian resources  of ~ of the recovery for the Christians who recover of the attachment, the abuse, and the trauma.


The national center in the attachment and the abuse of the substance in CASA of ~ of the university of Colombia brings meetings all the professional disciplines to fight the abuse of all the substances in all the sectors of society with the education, the investigation, and the defense.


National clearing house for ~ of the information of the drug and the alcohol for the information and the treatment, call 1-800-729-6686 of the drug.


National institute in ~ NIDA of the abuse of the drug, leaves from the national institutes of the health,  aids on 85 percents of the investigation of the world on the aspects of the health of the abuse of the drug and attachment.


The national clearing house of the remission and the information of Inhalant of ~ of the coalition of the prevention of Inhalants, provides the information and the training, and offers helpline, 1-800-269-4237 free.


Collection of ~ To of the E.E.U.U. of the recovery of warehouses in line that specialize in the recovery of the attachment, of the espiritualidad and the health.


Prevention of center of the abuse of the drug of ~ of Scott Newman with the education.  Rowdy of the group of the song offers the field, which it treats to the mothers and children who lives are worried about abuse about the drug and domestic violence to a strong box, diversion-filling week in the desert.


One Mismo-Ayude and the connections of ~ of the groups of aid to 12-step and other groups of aid, and information on personal effort.


More organizations can be found in the alcohol and be drunk adolescent and the page of the aid of the family of their state.




Cabritos of ADHD in a higher risk for the abuse of the drug


Abuse of the alcohol and the drug, behavior of game in youth: Porqué We must be referred


Abuse of the drug of the disorder of the attention for above between ~ of youth the reputation every greater time of Ritalin and Adderall in illicit use.


The basic nature of the dependency of the substance


Extremities of CDC's for the information and the prevention of the tobacco


The Playbook Of The Car Against Drugs


Abuse and attachment of the cocaine


Mortal narcotic demonstration for above in schools


Droga-Prueba his ~ of the cabritos (pdf) never is to early for the prevention or too much late for the intervention.


The use of the drug "sensitizes" the brain, doing recovering addict vulnerable to fall ~ to recover alcoholic and ex--smokers, as well as the previous illicit drug users, the worldly attire of their attachments freezes the buckets, ash trays, straw, needles exerts a strong, lasting energy to drive relapse.


Drugs and the discussion of ~ of the brain between the Dr Howard J. Shaffer and the Dr Steven And Hyman in the changes neurochemical of the use of the drug.


Dying to stop: Porqué we smoked and how we stopped


Cautious Li'quido-Empapadas of embalsamiento of the poisoning of ~ of the marijuana almost identical to that sight after use of phencyclidine (PCP), with the agitation, speech and thoughts disorganized, and diminished attention.


Ecstasy and drugs of the club


Fe-Basado One Mismo-Ayude to the groups is profitable, efficient in abuse of the substance that treats


Use Condimentado Of The Highest Cigarette Between Average Schoolers


Abuse and attachment of the heroin


Site of ~ To of the attachment of the heroin for the addict one, the ex--addict one, and those interested in learning on the attachment of the heroin.


Use of the heroin related to gene ' Move-That it looks for '


How to recognize the book in line it frees of ~ of the abuse of the substance.


In Its Own Words: ~ of the history of Noah how did to Christian boy with parents whom they loved and who took care of and a wonderful life is developed in ' pothead '?


Abuse De Inhalant:  He is Mortal


~ whereas the use of jimsonweed, that grows wild through the continental United States, has been sporadic and hopes that it remains therefore, ingestion of Jimsonweed has lead to the graspings, the coma, and even to the death.


Marijuana: Medical Implications


Effects Of the Marijuana: More Than Munchies


The Mexican grass sparks interest as Legal-For-Now ~ of they hallucinogen the component assets of the divinorum of Salvia is more long-range than that one found in peyote, mushrooms of psilocybin or any other hallucinogen natural.


Moyers in piece of the companion of the fabric of ~ of the attachment to the series of PBS; excellent!


Psychiatric Disorders De PCP-Related


Influence and relations of the pair


Recovered long-range extensive collection of ~ of the resources for the alcoholic members of anonymous (AA) and the other 12 Steppers in the recovery.


The double of the abuse of the prescription from the number of ~ ' 92 of the adolescences that abuse drugs of the prescription triples.


Prevention of use of the drug between children and adolescents

(also in Spanish)


Principles of the treatment of the drug attachment: Gui'a Investigacio'n-Basada


Religious abuse of the belief and the substance between youths


The investigators identify symptoms of the retirement of the marijuana


Overflow that writes down of the abuse of Ritalin in the illegal circuit of the drug of the university - Ritalin, also known like the "vitamin R" and "R-Bola."


The Smoke That Terrifies, Satisfies, Disturbs: Drug Of the ' Entrance ' Of the Marijuana That horrifies Neither Nor Inoffensive Curar-Todo


Terms Of the Street: Drugs and the commerce of drugs


Tension of the connection of the studies and drug attachment


The study compares the United States, the American adolescents of the drug of ~ adolescent European of the use are using more drugs, but less tobacco and alcohol than adolescences in Europe.


The abuse of the substance does not happen in parents of ~ of the ' emptiness ' and the friends are influential.  The adolescences that are associated the friends who smoke and the drink is more probable to do so they themselves.


The use of the substance between the Hispanic youth of ~ Hispanic of the youth taken in the E.E.U.U. was more probable to have used the illicit drugs in the last month that his contrapartes taken to another part.


Anabólicos adolescences and steroids


~ one of drugs of the prescription of the parents of the outbreak of the adolescences in five adolescents has exploded Vicodin, OxyContin or a little other painkiller of the prescription to obtain stop.


The adolescences use legal cold medicine "' to obtain discharges


Under accountant: The diversion and the abuse of controlled drugs of the prescription in ~ of the United States (pdf) the number of the Americans who abuse controlled drugs of the prescription have doubled almost from the 7,8 million a 15,1 million a to divide 1992 for 2003 and the abuse between adolescences more than has been tripled during that time.


The Life De Unmanageable


Porqué the tests of the drug fail


Xanax abused often for the easy stop ~ three outside each four drugs that are used illegal in the United States is medications of the prescription.  Xanax is one of them.


Youth in ~ of the recovery of the anonymous scholarship 12-step of the narcotic.

Which is a ' drug '?


A drug is any chemical agent that produces a therapeutic or nontherapeutic effect in the body.


The chemical agents, on the other hand, are an ample class of substances -- including the drugs -- that can or can not produce sensible effects in the body.  Many chemical agents (such as broad, lead, gold) they have harmful effects in the body, specially in high doses.  Most of foods they are not drugs.  The alcohol is a drug -- not a food, in spite of the calories that it provides.  The nicotine is a chemical agent that is also a drug.  "the illegal" drug group includes the dangerous chemical agents that have only toxic effects, such as inhalants.



Adolescents and drugs

The adolescents can be implied with legal or illegal drugs in several ways.  The experimentation with drugs during adolescence is common.  Unfortunately, the adolescents don.t often see the connection between their actions today and the consequences tomorrow.  Also they have a tendency to feel indestructible and immune to the problems that another one experiment. 

To use the alcohol and the tobacco in a young age increases the risk of using other drugs more ahead.  Some adolescences will experiment and stop, or continues using once in a while, without significant problems.  Others will possibly develop a dependency, moving ignited to more dangerous drugs and causing significant damage to themselves and to others.


The adolescence is a time to try new things. Drugs of the use of the adolescences for many reasons, including curiosity, because one feels or, to reduce the tension, to the sensation swelling for above or the adjustment inside.  It is difficult to know what adolescences will experiment and stop and which will develop serious problems. 



Who is in the risk?

The adolescents in the risk to develop serious problems of the alcohol and the drug include those:

  • with familiar antecedents of the abuse of the substance

  • they press themselves who

  • who have low self-esteem

  • who feel as they don.t fitted inside or are outside the main current


The adolescents abuse legal and illegal a variety of drugs.

  • Alcohol

  • TobaccoThe adolescences that smoke are three times more probable that smokers not to use the alcohol, eight times more probably to use the marijuana, and 22 times more probably to use the cocaine.  Smoking it is associated a host of other ventured behaviors, such as to fight and connection to unprotected sex.

  • Prescribed medications (such as Ritalin, Adderall,  and OxyContin)

  • Inhalants : Known by the names such of the street as huffing, smelling and wanging, the dangerous habit to obtain to stop inhaling the smoke of common products of the house is considered to demand the lives more than thousand children every year.  They leave much other people young, including some new users, with serious respiratory problems and damage of permanent brain.

  • Cough, cold, dream, and medications to over-the-counter of the diet (such as Coricidin)

  • MarijuanaNear half of people in the United States it has used the marijuana, many are using it at the moment and some will require the treatment for the abuse and the dependency of the marijuana.

  • Stimulating The in the long term possible effects include the tolerance and dependency, violence and aggression, undernourishment due to the suppression of the appetite.  Agriétese, stimulating long-range an addictive one, is the term used for a smokeable cocaine form.   In 1997, 1,5 million considered Americans, they age 12 and older, they were the chronic users of the cocaine.

  • Drugs of the club :  This term refers the drugs that are used by adolescences and adult young people in the parties of the dance of the everything-night such as "deliriums" or "critical moments," clubs of the dance, and the bars.  MDMA (ecstasy), GHB, Rohypnol (Rophies), ketamine, methamphetamine, and the LSD is some of drugs of the club or the party that gains reputation.   Because some drugs of the club are descoloridas, insipid, and odorless, they can be added discreet to drinks by the individuals that wish to intoxicate or to give to a sedative others.  In recent years, there has been an increase in information of drugs of the club used to trust sexual assaults.

  • Depressing These are used drugs medicinal to release the anxiety, irritability, tension.  There is a high potential for the abuse and, combined with alcohol, the effects are increased and the risks are multiplied.

  • Heroin : Several sources indicate an increase in the new, young users through the country who are being deceived by the cheap heroin, of great purity that can be smelled or to be smoked instead of injected.  The heroin also has been appearing in more affluent communities.

  • Steroids :  The anabólicos steroids are long-range a compound group related close by to the masculine testosterone of the hormone of sex.  To divide the 1998 for 1999, there was a significant increase in abuse of the anabólico steroid between means-schoolers.

The illegal drug use is increasing, specially between young adolescences.  The average age of the first use of the marijuana is 14, and the use of the alcohol can begin before age 12. The use of the marijuana and the alcohol in High secondary School has gotten to be common.


The use of the drug is associated to a variety of negative consequences, including increasing risk of the serious use of the drug advanced more in life, lack of the school, and the poor judgment that can put adolescences in the risk for the sex of the accidents, of the violence, unexpected and uncertain, and suicide.



Signals of danger of the adolescent abuse of the substance



  • fatigue

  • repeated complaints of the health

  • red eyes and enamelings

  • lasting cough


  • change of the personality

  • sudden changes of humor

  • irritability

  • irresponsible behavior

  • low self-esteem

  • poor judgment

  • depression

  • general deficiency of the interest


  • to begin discussions

  • negative attitude

  • to break rules

  • retiring of the family

  • secretiveness


  • diminished interest

  • negative attitude

  • drop in degrees

  • many absences

  • truancy

  • problems of the discipline

Social problems

  • new friends who make poor decisions and are not interested in activities of the school or the family

  • problems with the law

  • changes to the less conventional styles in dress and music

Some of the danger signals enumerated above also can be samples of other problems.  The parents can recognize samples of the hardship but they do not have to hope to make the diagnosis.


To consult a doctor to eliminate the physical causes of the danger signals is a good first step.  This is due to often follow or to accompany by a comprehensive evaluation by siquiatra or a professional of mental health.



Treatment Of the Abuse Of the Substance


The parents can help with the early education on drugs, the opened communication, the good paper that model, and the early recognition if the problems are becoming.   If there is some mistrust that is a problem, the parents must find the most appropriate intervention for their boy.


The decision to obtain to the treatment for a boy or an adolescent is serious.  It is animated to the parents who look for the consultation of a professional of mental health when taking decisions on substance abuse the treatment for the children or the adolescents.


The parents and the families must consuming be informed and must be implied in the recovery of their boy.  Here they are some things important to consider:


There is no appropriate treatment by all the adolescences.

It is important to match adjustments, interventions, and services of the treatment to the particular problems of each individual and needs.  This is critical to his or its last success in returning to the healthy operation in the family, the school, and the society.


The effective treatment must take care of the multiple necessities of the individual -- not as soon as the use of the drug.

Any medical, psicologico, social problem treats, and cognoscitivo associate must be.


Rest in the treatment by a period of the suitable time is critical for the effectiveness of the treatment and the positive change.

Each person is different and the amount of time in the treatment will depend on his or its problems and necessities.  The investigation demonstrates that it stops most of the individuals, the principle of the improvement begins in near 3 months in the treatment.  After this time, there is generally additional progress towards the recovery.  The length of the stay in a residential program can extend from the 8 to 18 months, depending on the good will and the commission of the individual.


The advising (individual and/or group) and other therapies of the behavior are component critical of the effective treatment.

In therapy, the adolescences watch the applications the motivation, abilities of the structure to resist use of the drug, they replace drug-to use activities by constructive behaviors and of you compensate, and improve abilities problem-solving.   The therapy of the behavior also facilitates interpersonal relations and the adolescent capacity to work in the home and the community.


Addict or drug-to abuse individuals with coexisting mental disorders it must have both disorders treated about an integrated way.

Because the addictive disorders and the mental disorders often happen in the same individual, the individuals must be determined and to be treated for the Co-occurrence of the other type of disorder.


The medical chemical decontamination is only the first stage of the treatment of the attachment and by itself recently to change long term use of the drug.

The medical chemical decontamination surely handles the acute physical symptoms of the retirement associated to stop use of the drug.  Whereas the chemical decontamination is only rarely sufficient to help addict reaching long term abstinence, because to some individuals it is a strongly indicated precursor to the effective treatment of the drug attachment.


The treatment does not need to be voluntary to be effective.

The strong motivation can facilitate the process of the treatment.  The sanctions or the temptations in the family, the adjustment of the school, or the youthful system of justice can perceivably increase to indices of the entrance and retention of the treatment and the success of interventions of the treatment of the drug.


The recovery of the attachment can be a long term process and frequently requires multiple episodes of the treatment.

Like with other chronic diseases, the relapses to the use of the drug can happen during or after guessed right episodes of the treatment.  The addict individuals can require the prolonged treatment and multiple episodes of the treatment to reach long term abstinence and the completely recovered operation.  The participation in programs of aid of the personal effort during and after the treatment is often beneficial in abstinence that maintains.  The parents must ask what services of the treatment of aftercare are available for the continued or future treatment.


The information provided by the American academy of the psychiatry of the boy and the adolescent (AACAP) and the national institute of the abuse of the drug.


for the session of February of 2006



program of the desert 21-day for the young men and the women, ages 13-20





Schools and programs by adolescences worried and of En-Riesgo



Internal residential program and schools



Programs and fields of summer outdoors



Programs for the young adults, 18 and older


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In the association with Barnes and nobleman , we offer best books parenting and of the personal effort available.  Each purchase you do that the aids focus adolescent services, a free clearing house of the Internet of the information and the resources for the families with worried adolescences.


Read All Books



Straight Char it of the black of Claudia: What parents of recovery must say to their cabritos on drugs and the alcohol
by Claudia Black

By 20 years, the parents who are recovering of attachments have been requesting the black of Claudia to write this book.  If sobered upon last year or does of 15 years, that comes a time at have questions on what to say to its cabritos on its last attachment.  The Dr Black introduces five very diverse families and reveals how the parents in each family spoke with their cabritos on vulnerability of the recovery, the relapse and the own boy with the drug and the attachment of the alcohol.




The good news for chemically the employees and those that love them

by Jeff VanVonderen

Bring up to date with the information on last drugs of designer, including meth crystalline, this long-range resource will help individuals, to the families, and the churches of the guide with its darker times.



The Egoistic Brain: Learning of the attachment

by Robert L. DuPont, M.D.

This book can help to populate faces the attachment in its own lives and in their families exploring the biological roots of the attachment and the way are allowed the addict one to deny their attachment by compasivo, people of the well-meaning.  Read the habit of the identity.



Long-range Recovered

by Anne Wayman

A book that it changes of the life by Anne Wayman that has been clean and sober in alcoholic the anonymous ones, narcotic anonymous and other groups of 12 passages by more than 25 years.



Saying no is enough - helping his cabritos they make wise decisions on the alcohol, the tobacco, and other drugs

by Schwebel Robert

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